20 (rhetorical) questions
1. i know i'm late in posting an entry today (it was horridly busy at work) -- but have people just not visited this page or are folks that disinterested in my last post about mst3k???
2. why is there so much pain and suffering in my life?
3. how'd it get so hard?
4. how'd it get so long?
5. why does god let bad things happen to good people who think bad things?
6. when did it all go so wrong?
7. why does blood taste like copper?
8. why doesn't everyone realize what a brilliant fucking visionary i am?
9. why can't i write?
10. why can't i focus?
11. where is my mind?
12. what have i become?
13. how far does the hole go?
14. when's it gonna end?
15. why does scotch hurt so good?
16. why can't i ever remember the night before?
17. why is the whole world against me?
18. how will this story end?
19. who's reading this page aside from 6mx, burn-o, nick-o, merillon, jgoose, the meowking and the assorted spontaneous/silent lurkers (m.u.i., dr. c, christofa, erwin, mark, roger, paco, ken, high street, mike2, ben the proofer, kami)?
20. why are you running away?
1. Somewhere in between.
2. "Righteousness."
3. ((How) tt (your life) got so hard:) sincerely. (Sincerely.)
4. I think that it ((a) life's length) is average - to correct you(rself).
5. That was (is) untrue.*
6. When you began "blaspheming" from "profanely."
7. Iron content (similar electricity).
8. (Because) your story is (not, too) promising(ly).
9. Because you may read(ing) (comprehension).
10. Attention deficit (or "Adult" onset(ting) attention deficit) hyperactivity disorder (A.D.H.D.) (Amphetamine(s) or (dextro)amphetamine(s) would be(come) treatment(s).)
11. Distracted from immersive (A.D.H.D.)
12. A "typologist."
13. (As far(thest) as) (Methyl(ate(d))amphetamine(s) (Amphetamine(s)) should therapeutise (therapeutize) ("treat(ment ((a & the) "mind").)"
14. As soon (far) as such (A.D.H.D.) is fulminantly (definitively) treated (therapeutized) (or with (crystallised (crystallized)) amphetamine, alternatively.)
15. Emotional regulation - which begins motion ((e)motion(al) coordination), & next's (your) decision's making(s).
16. A.D.H.D. (or "A.O." ("above," or "earlier" ((my) (this) post)) A.D.H.D.)
17. I am not against you*.
18. Certain(ly). With certainty(*).
19. Raedm321(@gmail.com). (Myself,) additionally. (Moustafa, Raed, B.A., M.A., M.P.H., M.D. (06/11/2023)).
20. They (all but myself) need to (are encouraged (emphasis) to exercise (themselves) to physical activity (to that date & today).
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