Friday, November 19, 2004

thank fucking "god" it's friday

all i intend to consume today is scotch! no canned soup! no dinner buddies! scotch and motherfuckin cigarettes, motherfuckers! this is what i am talking about.

very special thanks to the honorable 6-Miles-from-Mexico for pointing me to this very funny page (that may be construed as *slightly* misogynistic toward the end).

speaking of scotch, i might need to actually venture outside into the mean world in order to get more booooze. does that not suck? weep for me. don't hold back. you know you want to. you'll feel better.

amidst all this wackiness, it turns out that i have a directing gig. i'm directing a scene from "death of a salesman" featuring the popular filipino-american actor erwin falcon. what possessed anyone to give me a directing gig in my state is beyond me. what willy loman is doing with a filipino son is also a mystery i will have to solve. but i am excited.

well, i'm sure i've lost half my audience just through the hyperlinks i've just posted here. all i can say in my defense is that i did not create any of these other websites, and erwin has very peculiar tastes... but i am not here to judge...

[BEST LINE FROM LAST NIGHT'S "APPRENTICE": "I am constantly reminded that no one is my friend..." Ya got that right, baby!]


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