Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Temporary Life

Holy crimony, it's been busy as fuck at work...

Just want to broadcast the details on the show that C. and I are involved in. (And Burnsy is performing in--it's a friggin family affair!)

I *think* it's called "Theater, Words and Movement", but the actual title is more complicated and even more vague than that. Basically, the theme of the night has something to do with "home" -- adopted homeland, permanent homes, home home home. I'm doing a terrific job of selling this show, aren't I?

Our 10-minute piece (in 2 parts) is called "Temporary Life". It concerns immigration reform. (Sounds pretty sexy, huh?)

The first part is a film segment that I cut together. The second part is a theatrical piece that C. wrote. (She's also performing in it, along with Burnsy and two other people from C.'s MFA program.)

Rehearsing tonight. I'm directing. Should be cool. I hope the actors respect me. I better work on pretending to know what I'm doing. It's all about the illusion of control.

ANYWAY, if you're reading this, if you live the New York City, if you're free Thursday night, please drop by. I think we're one of three theater pieces, and then it's a bunch of short films made by people who aren't me. (It's co-sponsored by Rooftop Films.)

Thursday, July 15
"Theater, Words, Movement, & Film"
The Asian American Writers' Workshop
16 West 32nd Street, Suite 10A
suggested donation: $5
(and we don't see a penny of it)


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