Thursday, June 17, 2004

Missing Person

a first-year Actors' Studio playwright is missing. her name's Jessielee Whitson, i think. i might have met her once, but i don't remember her so i can't really offer a description (i think she has red hair, around 5' 4"-5"). last seen in the east village, tuesday night, near her apartment. she left her apartment to get a bottle of water or something -- she left her wallet/credit cards, she just brought some cash. she never came home.

C. (who's a second-year playwright in the program) told me about it last night. apparently, Jessielee's friend Philip (another second-year playwright) filed a police report last night, after the requisite 24 hours. they told him that if they don't find her by tonight, it'll turn into a search for a body.


i always get freaked out if C. comes home really late. i know she can take care of herself and she's been in this city long enough, but you can never know. this is why i only travel in large posses -- even if we get jumped, i know somebody'll get away and send reinforcements. ("Ponyboy's been shot! It was those damn Socs! Rally up Sodapop and the rest of the greasers!")

spoke with C. this morning and supposedly Jessielee left a message on her husband's voicemail saying she was okay. (her husband, i think, lives out of town.) still, can't feel relief till she's back again and her story's told.

it's weird because i don't know this girl at all, yet i find myself so concerned with her being okay. probably because i feel so protective of C., and they're in the same program, and this is such a fucked up world. a world that's a lot more scary when you've got something to lose...


Blogger Raed Moustafa said...

That 24 hour thing is folklore (from shift-changes (loser police); contact health professionals firstly to ascertain a protecting history, please. Missing means that the police better call the (that) person's physician (of course) - and "call," non-idiotic, officers. "We" utilize the word "miss" in the hospitals.

4/09/2023 11:56:00 PM  

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