Monday, April 26, 2004

I Don't Like Mondays

Nice weather we're having... if you're a duck!

Been tossing around the idea for a play inspired by my affection for videogames. Just pooling ideas until I've got a structure that seems sound. I don't think videogames and theater really mix well, in terms of audiences. It certainly wouldn't be something I'd be trying to send to The Public. But it's an idea I'm interested in. Part of what inspires me is this play by Len Jenkins called "Dark Ride" -- its structure inspired by those dark rides at carnivals, where you're in a cart on tracks and you're led through the darkness and you see these spooky tableaus light up along the way. I read it in college and I didn't really like it, but I liked the idea of it.

I like the idea of taking something (a genre, a game) and recontextualizing its conventions to say something new. In any case, it's *different*.

Of course, my play wouldn't be *about* videogames. Still, it'd be a hard sell to a theater company and I'd probably end up having to produce it myself again. And this one probably wouldn't translate as easily into a screenplay, so I'd be locking myself out of that too. I'm really bad at this "career" thing, aren't I?

Well, I'll write it and see how it looks... at the very least, it won't look like anything else that's out there...


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