Friday, October 29, 2010

me and you could've been a work of art

I don't like walk-through haunted houses.

I had a traumatic experience at a haunted house down in Florida when I was 17. I write horror movies, I'm fairly desensitized to most horror films at this point, but the fact remains that I do NOT like it when people jump out at me in real life.

So it was with great trepidation that I consented to going to this NYC haunted house on Thursday night.

But I thought, Hell... it's legitimate research. I'd be going with a group of friends so I wouldn't be alone. How bad could it possibly be...?




I wasn't even *close* to being scared.

That said, I recommend it. You should go. It's fun. It's was just a bit of an... arty haunted house experience. I admired the artistry of it. They weren't all about pulling out the cheapest scares...

... but to be honest, sometimes the cheapest scares are the scariest...


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