Friday, June 11, 2010

"Write the Future"

Nike have stolen my personal mantra as a marketing slogan and hired Oscar-nominated filmmaker Alejandro González Iñárritu to direct this incredibly ambitious commercial to illustrate the point. I personally know nothing of futbol but it's still pretty impressive.

This glowing review of the advert helps to break it down further, with more background information. Excerpt:
Only Nike has the juice to throw together this sort of multi-sphere star power and then buff the production values to such a glitzy sheen. The ad took a year of creative gestation from Nike's genius ad agency, Wieden + Kennedy, followed by three months of camerawork and editing. It was filmed in locations including England, Spain, Italy, and Kenya. While Nike won't disclose its budget, I would not be surprised if the cost to make this three-minute spot was on par with the outlay for at least one or two of Iñárritu's feature-length films.


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