Tuesday, February 02, 2010

No Comments

Heads up on the end of an era...

I've been publishing this blog to the internets since March 2002, which is almost forever ago.

"HaloScan", the free comment-box app I've used since the beginning, is about to call it quits. Although the haaay-day of comment-box activity is over, I've amassed "6,133" comments on here. Half of those are probably me. A lot of the older comments are probably from people I'm not even friends with any longer.

In any case, as much as I'd like to preserve the existing comments, I'm not willing to pay for the solution. Therefore, old comments may be wiped out completely. Eventually, I'll get a new comment system up and running but I've tinkered with this template so much over the years, I'm trying to be careful not to break it while making revisions.

Interactivity is overrated, anyways... :(

To gear up for the final season, here's a meticulously real-time edit of the events that occurred during the crash of Flight 815 on LOST:


Blogger M. Alice said...

New comment function test.

Hello, Mr. Blue Skies.

2/04/2010 12:39:00 AM  

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