Monday, August 17, 2009

Misanthropy Central

Jesus Christ, is there anything more inane than blogging?

It's just about pointless.

I've been keeping this online journal since March 2002 when I hadn't a clue what I was going to do with it. Haven't taken a significant leave from publishing entries in YEARS. On an average weekday, I might get about 30 hits, so it's not like my attention has resulted in a large regular readership.

Why hasn't it?

It's not really just one simple thing, is it? Like pictures of culinary abominations or blogging about making every recipe in a recipe book. It's personal entries, mixed with parodies, mixed with pop culture commentary, mixed with whatever else I feel like on any given day. No singular high-concept and not organized/indexed in a way to filter out just the sort of entries you feel compelled to read.

Why do I bother?

It might be the ultimate evidence that I need to write. Even if it's just a bloody blog that almost no one follows. I need to write, I need to keep a record. It's a compulsion. And while I have few regulars, there's a much larger audience that finds the blog through specific entries.

Still... this is so empty and frivolous...

The "Why Bother?" faction has an alluring argument....

But you can make that argument for so many things. Why bother getting up in the morning?

I go through stretches of hating this blog, but it's my sketch pad. It's my pointless exercise that may or may not serve a greater purpose down the line. Even though I've got to question why I bother with it sometimes.

Conference call at 5:30pm. A rare live-in-person meeting scheduled for sometime on Friday. I need a paycheck in the worst way. And I'm sick as a dog right now, haven't felt this lousy in forever. I pray that August doesn't do me in...


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