Friday, April 17, 2009

Life is Just a Party (and parties weren't meant 2 last)

Hurt myself at the gym the other day, trying some new things. My arms have been aching. And Thursday night, the arch of my foot started hurting. I don't really care. The pain's cathartic, you know? Clean and redemptive, like. You just want to bask in that sort of pain.

It's occurred to me that, aside from hitting the gym regularly, I have been leading a fairly unhealthy life. Trying to remedy this. Incrementally. Ever, ever so incrementally.

Some Crackberry pics I shot in the Dimension conference room while I waited for the suits to arrive for our meeting on Wednesday...

They gave me this bottle of water FOR FREE!

Apologies for the shitty shot composition in these. I was trying to take these pics quickly. "Spy Kids" and "The Crow".

"H20" and "Bad Santa".

Some Kevin Smith movie and "1408". At one point, this really pretty girl walks into the conference room to retrieve something and I totally tried to make it look like I was just checking my phone for messages and NOT taking pictures of the fucking conference room like some kind of tourist douchebag.

(This is why I'm alone in the world.)

While we're sharing cell phone pics, what the fuck are they building at the 96th Street red-line subway station...?

I guess it has something to do with THIS...

The view from inside the station. So surreal and oddly discomforting to see the sunlight shining down on the underground subway platforms. Like the post-apocalypse in my heart.

"All well and good, but erm... isn't there some writing you should be doing...?" the Gay Horse nagged.

Terribly Productive Shuffled 5:
1. "I Love the Spirit World and I Love Your Father", The Fucking Champs
2. "I Turn My Camera On", Spoon
3. "Uncle Alvarez", Liz Phair
4. "The Whores Hustle and the Hustlers Whore", PJ Harvey
5. "Get in the Ring", Guns N' Roses

Procrastination Bonus
"Teen Beat Ocean", Jackson And His Computer Band

(As long as we're traipsing down memory lane, remember this classic entry from my office days???)


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