Monday, December 03, 2007

I Can't Live

Wake me up when December ends...

Getting back to some serious, "real" writing, which means the frivolities of gay horses and frustrated raccoons will have to take a backseat. All for a good cause.

Bad news for graveyard shifters (on top of the lousy hours). I lasted three stinking months on graveyard life. IMHO, there are a lot of factors with these "new studies" that tend to skew the numbers. Still, there's a reason it's harder to staff those shifts...

First snowfall of the winter season was real pretty. Walked down Central Park West and it was hard not to crack a smile. Even when your heart's in the gutter. You look around and the world's been transformed into a winter playground overnight.

2007 was going so well for a while. One more month of it. 2008 better swing up sharply...


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