malice is an asshole
after a series of fairly innocuous entries, my last few have been a little more blunt. yes, it's true, sara -- i am an asshole. we all have our buttons to be pushed. (mine are: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.) i suppose certain sights and sounds i've been exposed to in the past week have triggered malevolent thoughts related to the world we live in, and my life in general. though i try to be careful, i find this blog works better the less i censor myself. even though it may make it tougher to read for some. (you know who you fucking are.) i don't think it's any kind of secret that i've had a lousy fucking year. and when someone hurts me, i'm sometimes a little too zealous in trying to be hurtful in return. it is difficult being the son of evil.
regardless, it's no excuse. my sincere apologies to sara for being mean. i'm an insensitive jerk. tell spin-doctor burno not to beat me up. or just tell him to go for it, maybe it'll be neat.
for laughs, here's a list of notable people who've died of lung cancer. i hope to join this illustrious company one day. soon. for the good of humanity.
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