Peter Jennings Has a Posse
P.J. quit smoking 20 YEARS AGO. dead at 67.
reports say he was surrounded by loved ones at the end. i'll probably be surrounded by cats when i expire. (if i'm lucky.) i'll ask one of my friends to tell my family that i got hit by a car or something.
anyway, in honor of peter jennings's death and the increased media coverage of the lung cancer death toll that it's brought, in addition to the chest pains i've been quietly suffering this past week, i'm cutting back on my smoking. i'm not committed to quitting just yet, but smoking less is probably better than not doing anything. i don't necessarily aspire to have a longer life (the way things have gone so far, i'm not expecting a happily ever after), but i'm trying not to worsen my current quality of life. how's that for an inspirational message?
wow, this fucking blog just gets cheerier and cheerier as the days go on, dudn't it?
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