Sunday, October 19, 2003

This Is Murder

Well well well, haven't updated this little fucker in a while, have we?

I was going to try to wait till I'd finally finished writing this never-ending misery-maker I call "The Butcherhouse Chronicles", but I am very very close, I swear! Just 3.5 more scenes to knock off. Then I can go back and try to weed the rampant suck from it all.

I've got five days off from work starting this Thursday. I'll try to exploit that time to finish up this fucking beast.

Jin and Tom (and Jen A) really liked the wedding video I made them. These small victories that don't add up to much beyond friendship points.

We finally have cable installed in our new home. Broadband and Digital Cable, I'm so happy I could weep. God bless technology.


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