Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Hey Pigs,

(yeah, you)

I know what most of you have been thinking...

He hasn't posted anything in a few days... has he finally found a sense of purpose in life...?


I have been worn out and drugged up by the marathon of the 9-5 clockwork.

And BLOGGER's been blogging up lately...

Need to get more writing done.

It also occurs to me that I'm performing at NYU in 9 days, and I should probably think about practicing something... *anything*...

I have this creeping suspicion my readership's suffered a nosedive since April Fool's Day. O!, to have felt love once, only to lose it to the world...

Hello? Is anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me... is there anybody home...?

So, I've been listening to 92.3 K-Rock at work lately, catching up on the current state of Rock N' Roll. I hate to say it, but there's this one CREED song I actually like. (Though I won't reveal which one it is... but you know the one...) ..

Also, there is this advert they keep playing over and over -- I mean, they play A LOT of adverts over and over, but this one features this truly, teeth-grindingly annoying DJ personality by the name of "Cabbie", and the ad is basically him shilling for this diet pill scam called "TRIM SPA". (You can hear the actual ad on their site.) Anyway, he goes ON AND ON about how he's lost a ton of weight through the program, and how you can check the website to see before/after pictures of him if you don't believe it... so I finally remember to check out this bleeding site and the before+after pictures of him are lamest before+after pictures you could ever imagine for a weight-loss program. The before pics show him as a big, blubbery fart with his guts hanging out everywhere you look, and the sole after pic shows him with a frickin' LEATHER JACKET obscuring his whole body!

If you're out to screw the public, at least make a decent effort by putting forth a persuasive argument!

Fad diets are rubbish.

Fight the REAL enemy.

End soap box.


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