Monday, August 19, 2019

Susan Sarandon, Bernie Bros & Deplorable MAGAts

An actual POST? On a BLOG?? What year is it, ghosts...???

I just feel like venting and I don't feel like posting this to any specific social media space right now so DEAL with it! I'm posting here, where just a scant handful of friends (who forgot they've set alerts for posts on this blog) and stalkers will see it.

The above GIF is from some random Photoshop Battle I did last year. (I also pronounce GIF the correct way, with a soft-"G": I don't care what you think!!! I'm dangerous!!!)

So anyway, POLITICS. August 2019!

Criticize Susan Sarandon online in 2019 and a cluster of dutiful Bernie-Bots will race to her defense, obediently farting on all things Hillary Clinton and justifying Sarandon flamboyantly voting 3rd party during the 2016 presidential election cycle.

The justification? Sarandon claims she was legitimately afraid that Hillary was too much of a warhawk. By voting 3rd party (which was essentially a vote for Trump), she thought that Trump would bring about "THE REVOLUTION" faster.

In this case, "THE REVOLUTION" meaning that chaos rules, everything falls apart, and... theoretically... the progressives (like her and the Alpha Bernie Bro Elite Force) would be able to pick up the pieces.

I fucking loathe these people.

What do Susan Sarandon + the Bernie Bros have in common with the neo-Nazi MAGAts? They will never admit to being wrong. You'll have to pry their unwavering worldviews from their cold, dead hands.

And I know this is a common talking point but Susan Sarandon is a rich white celebrity and is in absolutely ZERO danger of being harmed by any of Trump's brave new policies to destroy brown-skinned minorities and keep the Neo Nazis as his fucking Neo Pets.

All that said, here's my truth:

I defended and voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, without reservations.

My only concern was that the anti-Clinton propaganda machine that put Trumpers and Bernie-Bros on the same side was always going to haunt her no matter WTF she did. Her presidency would be hobbled by this and she'd have a harder time getting re-elected in four years.

When she lost -- because the electoral college is a fucking farce that only serves Republicans because they are ALWAYS the minority in sheer numbers -- I thought the silver lining was that everyone would see how incompetent Trump was and they'd have some buyers' remorse about not voting for Hillary.


No matter how aggressively greedy, vile, lawless and incompetent Trump is at every turn, he's got this gleefully racist base that will ALWAYS support him. Even as he is sinking them into a mud pit of extinction. THEY SEE ONLY WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE.

And the Bernie Bros like Sarandon? I still hear them talking more shit about Hillary Clinton than Trump. THEY SEE ONLY WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE.

Here's the thing: if Trump had NOT secured the presidency (by all manners of nefarious assistance), he'd be spending 4 years making bank off of shooting spitballs at the POTUS, talking about how great HE would have been without needing to actually do anything.

He might have run again in 2020 or he might have just promoted someone even worse, and I don't have faith that Hillary would have been able to weather that one.

All this is a long preamble to saying, maybe this country is filled with so many fucking stupid people that we NEEDED to have 4 years of Trump to show them what a fucking shitshow this whole American experiment can be, and maybe we've got a stronger chance of correcting this next year.

So was Susan Sarandon right after all?

No. Because the price has been concentration camps, children orphaned, children KILLED, the emboldening of racist groups like the KKK and Proud Boys, a rise in white supremacist spree-killers, a rise in deportations. None of these things affect Susan Sarandon. She and her Bernie Bros can keep waving their revolution flags and farting on Hillary while others pay the price. Fuck them to oblivion.

But I'm hoping we've got a chance to BEGIN to fix things next year. And (part of) the price may be Sarandon and Bernie Bros crying, "TOLDJA!"


Blogger Raed Moustafa said...

You were probably in Europe when former, President William ("Bill".) Clinton was accused of something, wrongly.

11/08/2022 09:48:00 PM  

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