Saturday, February 26, 2011

All My Stitches Itch, My Prescription's Low

The "black sheep" in the family is the person who is most sensitive to other people's energies; the person who absorbs what everyone else is giving.

Was 1999 my blackest year? 2004? So many grand, bleak, wholly undocumented periods to bicker over.

2011 feels bleak upfront. Nothing heals, nothing grows.

It's early yet. Despite endless evidence here, I am an eternal optimist. Grounded by deadly pragmatism.

I wish you were queen... just for today...

I don't believe in "bucket lists"... mainly because I refuse to watch that movie... but also because I don't believe in the fundamental idea that I need to acquire a set number of experiences in order for my life to be "complete". If I die tonight, none of it will matter. Real life isn't neat. It is what it is and it ends when it ends and there's no purpose in weeping over all of the could-have-beens.

That said... if I knew I were going to die before the end of this year... like really had a guarantee that I'd be dead before this year is out... then I would really be doing some crazy shit right about now.

As it is... I'm guessing a good 50% chance I'll live to see 2012 :)


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