Friday, December 03, 2010

The Trap is Set

Following the directions I was given, I headed up to the 24th floor of the building located by the South Ferry stop... and found vacated office spaces.

It was supposed to be the offices of Prolific Entertainment, my new management company. But as I walked around the empty floor, all I could see were cleared-out cubicles, stripped corner offices, white rectangles on walls where company names were once hung.

I walked around the floor and took in the majestic views that were once enjoyed by highly paid executives. Was I in the right building? Was this all an elaborate trap? I expected a SAW puppet to roll in on a tricycle and deliver some life-or-death ultimatum...

As I wandered through the office wasteland, I heard voices. Was it coming through the air vents from another floor? Because there was clearly no one on this floor. Either this place was haunted or I was about to get whacked.

I took the elevator back downstairs and talked to the security guy in the lobby. I told him that I was looking for the Prolific offices. I told him that there was nothing on the 24th floor. He laughed and insisted, somewhat ominously, "They're up there, sir."

Back on 24, I made another lap around the empty floor... and discovered a closed, unmarked door. I heard voices and tentatively opened the door...

PROLIFIC ENTERTAINMENT. Hidden away like some underground rebel operation in this swing space.

Both my managers were hanging out with a Prolific head in one of the office spaces. My managers were in town from California, sizing up the new NYC HQ. They all laughed at the expression of horror on my face and hugged it out with me.

It was a good, informal State of the Union meeting. They'd shot some of WALL STREET 2 in this space and they pointed out the floor plans framed on the wall. There are going to be a lot more resources available to me from here.

Big things ahead. I've got a lot of work to do before the end of the year...


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