Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All the Girls Standing in the Line for the Bathroom

On Monday they started renovating the men's locker room at the gym I go to. From now until the 26th(?), only the women's locker room will be operational.

No, it isn't going to turn into some sexy, European co-ed locker room: they're alternating days in which the men and women can use the locker room.

It was the men's turn to use the locker room on Monday. Now, I've been going to this gym for over a year now. (Been living in The Tomb for over a year now.) I *know* this gym. And it was just fucking surreal to step into this new space that's designed and built for women. Row of stalls instead of urinals, a tampon machine, the works. (I dutifully installed spy cameras.) Seriously, it's such a bizarre experience to invade a space that is normally the exclusive domain of women. It's not even just the superficial differences—though it was filled with guys on this day, the air felt different... as if estrogen permeated the oxygen here. I actually got a little lost trying to exit the locker room because it's built more like a maze than the men's locker room.

On days when men are using the locker room, there is no alternative space for the women (and vice versa). The only option is a single, one-person bathroom on the ground floor.

As I did my obligatory cardio, I watched a queue of women begin to grow at this bathroom. I was listening to the new GIRL TALK album and a clip of this song starts up:

And I started to laugh.


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