Friday, April 02, 2010

Sammich Wars

Nothing like a classic restaurant war story for a sense of history.

Tuesday, amidst the cold torrents of rain, I set out exploring my new(ish) neighborhood looking for a place to escape and lunch and write.

Passed by the curious duo of "Manganaro's Hero Boy" and "Manganaro Grosseria Italiano"...

The "Manganaro Grosseria" looked familiar to me from some old Anthony Bourdain show. I ended up passing it by for a Thai place that looked a bit more hospitable and warm down the block, but on the way back home I stepped into the Grosseria for a little look-see. Real old school space, a great sense of history. Sandwich shop in the back. Pretty empty. A family perused the sammich selection while I was there, so I didn't attract much scrutiny.

Seems I dodged a bullet...

Looking it up on the internet, I discovered a trail of horror stories.

Over on the CitySearch page, the review headlines read like haunted house warnings:

"The worst place on the planet!"
"Disgusting, filthy pigs -- avoid like the plague"
"Horrible Place, Horrible People"

A cacophony of one-star reviews, with the inevitable five-star anomaly:

"Favorite place to eat in the world"

Well, what's it going to be then, eh?

The first internet article I discovered was from Midtown Lunch, titled "In Defense of Manganaro's Grosseria". It's a very well-written blog entry that lays out the major narratives.

Essentially, it seems that the Grosseria is much like Seinfeld's Soup Nazi, except for sandwiches. Though unlike the famed Soup Nazi, it doesn't seem that the quality of the sandwiches is enough to counteract the negativity that resonates from the witchy sisters who run the joint... at least from the reviews online.

Most amusing is this account titled "The Bitches of Manganaro's". I highly recommend reading it in its entirety because it is awesome and makes me feel all the better that I managed to avoid getting yelled at during my brief walk through the place. (It seems that the women are no fans of "bloggers".)

The New York Times has an old article breaking down the history of the Manganaro family rift, which is great for a little historical context. Still doesn't quite explain why the folks who run "Hero Boy" don't seem to be as bitchy as the "Grosseria" women. Indeed, when I walked past, "Hero Boy" looked far warmer and more popular while the "Grosseria" resembled some cold, barren spook-house.

Though I might fancy myself a foodie, this is one food war that I've no intention of exploring first-hand, despite the proximity to The Tomb where I live. I enjoy a good sammich as much as the next guy, but I don't need the threat of verbal abuse with my food. It's one of the reasons I've little interest in trying out Shopsin's. Life's too short to be supporting dysfunctional families.


Blogger Zach said...

The difference between the soup nazi and the ladies who run Manganaro's is that the soup nazi was a jerk. The two sisters in Manganaro's are super friendly... unless you do something stupid, like walk in with a Hero Boy bag, tell them you heard about them through Anthony Bourdain, ask a stupid question, or pull out a camera without asking (they think it's rude).

4/02/2010 01:52:00 AM  
Blogger M. Alice said...

What about the guy who just poked his head in to look around?

About this time another guy entered the store, and began to look around. It was obvious he had never been there before. He was wearing a “I Love Shea” t-shirt.

“What do you want Shea???”, she yelled at him.

“Uh, I am just looking…”, he remarked.

“Right, Another one. There’s the door”, she said.

How did he violate one of their rules? Because he was wearing the wrong kind of t-shirt?

I'm sure they're nice if you get to know them, or if they decide you're somehow okay. And I'm sure they've got reasons for being so aggressive/defensive. But there are so many negative stories out there, I don't see how a damn sandwich is worth the aggravation of inadvertently setting them off.

Are people supposed to read their minds? At least the Shopsin's people post a list of rules in their window.

4/02/2010 02:44:00 AM  

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