Friday, February 05, 2010

THE OFFICE (U.S.) rant

Okay, everyone who doesn't watch the THE OFFICE (U.S.) [which I will insist on calling it because I still love THE OFFICE (U.K.)] is promptly dismissed from this blog entry, which concerns the episode that aired:
February 4th, 2010

Three things...

New company called "Sabre" has taken over Dunder Mifflin. Michael Scott (certifiable retard that he is) pronounces the company name as "Sah-bray". And no one else in the Scranton branch corrects him or seems to know any better because fucking "sabre" is such an exotic word?? Does anyone in Scranton have a high school diploma? "Sabre"? Really?

To welcome their new corporate overlord, Andy and Erin sing an original song that Andy composed for "Sabre"—because, you know, that's what happens at sane offices run by educated adults, people compose goddamn SONGS to sing to their new bosses—and the gag (because, wait for it, the fact that they're singing a song at all isn't the actual gag) is that Andy has composed the lyrics of the song to rhyme with "Sah-bray" instead of "Sabre". And since they were all schooled on the proper pronunciation just moments before, Andy was unable to correct his faulty rhyme-scheme.

David Wallace, now out of work, is suddenly as stupid as Michael Scott. Pitches Michael a get-rich-quick invention called "Suck-It" which is a vacuum that sucks up toys that kids have left on the floor. I *liked* the David Wallace character because his was one of the few allowed to be a real adult human being. Now, of course, he's a quirk-oid character just like the rest of the increasingly wacky lot!

The "documentary" conceit of the show is totally haywire. Sometimes the characters acknowledge the presence of cameras, sometimes they don't, even though the camera movements and editing maintain the aesthetic of a documentary. When Michael Scott visits David Wallace's house, there is no acknowledgment from the Wallace family that there are suddenly cameras filming there.


Because it was really good once and I would defend it. And now it's sooo jumped the shark, it's fucking obscene and this needs to be articulated. On the internet.


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