Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Misanthropy Central Mood Ring

How is Malice feeling today, Misanthropy Central Mood Ring...?

Morose? Self-destructive? Cautiously pessimistic? Melancholic? The range is remarkable, is it not?


You must be on the edge of your seat when you conduct your daily check of this site, dear silent lurker.

Connecticut, Virginia, Indiana.

Oakland, California. Ashland, Massachusetts—WHO ARE YOU...?

I know most of this is cryptography. Here's a rare bit of concrete, for those who care: I've got to dust off my ideas for a Fall of the House of Usher film for a conference call with a producer next week. One of the slew of open conversations I've got. Irons in the fire. Could be something. Could be awesome. Could be dust.

Hey! I wrote a hit play! What did YOU ever do!???

Oh bother, how I despise myself...

What's funny, though this blog gets more hits on a daily basis, the decoy blog gets a greater range of hits, I think.

Earlier tonight, my therapist says to me, "I didn't know you wrote horror movies." I says, "How did you find out I write horror movies?" She says, matter-of-factly, "I GOOGLED you." Um... is that fucked up?

My voice is fucking shot. I've been living too hard too long. I have got to get it together. Before it's too late.


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