Teen Fiction

I've been curious about this old mid-80s Young Adult novel called "The War Between the Classes" for a while. It was adapted into a CBS After School Special back in its day. Beyond that, as far as I can tell, it's been buried in time.
So far, I've read the first two pages and can already say that its concepts of race and class are severely dated. But there's something about the title and the premise, involving Ray Otero's THE COLOR GAME, that intrigues me. I'm not that up on the young adult literary world, but I think there's something that could be built upon this foundation.
I'm going to investigate it a little further and see where the rights are with it.
In other news, I've become a member of the WGAE's "activity committee" because... well, I don't know why. I kinda got sucked in, as I tend to with these things.
I went to a screenplay reading at the Jewish Community Center on the Upper West Side on Thursday night. Primarily for the free wine and cookies.
I sneaked out without saying goodbye to anyone because, well, it's a hobby of mine. As I was walking out the building, Jerry Stiller was walking in --
And I was all "Hey, that's Jerry Stiller!"
And then I went home and jerked off.
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