Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Morality is a human invention—it doesn't come from outer space, it doesn't come from God. It's constantly being redefined, and it's constantly up for grabs. It makes a lot of people very nervous to accept that and they want absolutes, but of course then you just get absolute opposites killing each other.
-David Cronenberg

fuck christ, i'm out of control. it's only wednesday and i don't know what i'm doing anymore. i woke up way too late this mourning. my search for oblivion yields strange, disturbing dreams. i think i'm just pissing myself over what's to come. this whole year's been a big, dreadful anticipation of what's to come -- and it always seems to be right around the corner before it gets pushed back. but something is going to break this weekend. for good or ill. and there's no bracing for it. and there's nowhere to run. and there's nowhere to hide. because the world is decimated and the only things left standing are me and my demons.


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