Saturday, July 19, 2008


So I'm watching the film adaptation of "Six Degrees of Separation"—which I saw in the theaters back in '93. It's got some interesting elements in it but it ISN'T a very good movie. I could see how it could've come across better as a stage play, but as a film... it feels like a play.

Will Smith is good—playing a gay con-artist. (Your basic Zach Taylor archetype.) Note how delicately it's shot so that we don't actually see him kissing Anthony Michael Hall on the lips in one scene... many years pre-Brokeback.

But wait a minute...

JJ Abrams is in this movie?! As an actor??

With a real part, too. Playing the college-aged son of one of the adult characters.

And then years later, he's the executive producer of a show called... wait for it...

"Six Degrees"!!!



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