Thursday, February 14, 2019

my duracell heart is sure to fail

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

End of Netflix DVD Service Part II

This morning, I got these emails from Netflix informing me that my credit card had been charged for the 2 dvds that I didn't return.

You know. Those Netflix DVDs I spent a fucking fortune on by keeping them for an unconscionable amount of time and not watching them as I continued to pay a monthly DVD fee for them?

And you SAW that I sent them back! I blogged about it, even! Who blogs anymore?! I certainly don't!

So anyways, I had to call the company and complain that I really had returned the discs. (The Netflix DVD service people have been split off from the main Netflix company, btw.) They basically just took my word for it and marked the discs as "lost" and refunded me my penalty fees.

Anyway, the Netflix DVD saga is officially over.

I'm out! Streaming's the future, baby!