Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer Colds Last All Summer Long

Two days without contact lenses can feel like an eternity, but when your eyes are so bloodshot it looks like you've been cooking meth without ventilation all weekend... you do what you have to do.

Gradually... I'm getting my shit together again. Picking up the pieces.

This thick, muddy, NYC summer air hasn't helped me feel any better.

I don't know if it's allergies or a bug or probably some combination. But I've had the wind robbed from my sails the past few weeks, it seems.

It's Friday. Friday is meaningless right now except that each Friday brings me closer to a self-imposed deadline. I'm a little behind on the script I'm writing but it ought to be a fast script. A shorter script. And I'm confident I'll be able to bang it out before the buzzer. Whether it'll be good enough... no, it has to be good. There's no option.


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