Saturday, January 05, 2013

Revisionist Blogging: Comedy Cellar

This is just for my own files. A way to remember the date something happened when I didn't explicitly get to blog about it when it originally happened.

Today, we had an impromptu, belated-birthday surprise for our friend EPF. A night at The Comedy Cellar, which he'd been wanting to go to for a while.

Had dinner with EPF and his wife before the show. EPF wasn't expecting me to show up but I still managed, somehow, to keep him from suspecting anything because his birthday was a month gone and MY birthday was a few days away -- so everytime he accused me and his wife of planning this in advance, I accused HIM of planning a surprise for ME. Which would have been more appropriate! This kept him discombobulated enough to not expect other friends to show up later.

The "surprise" fell apart slightly when we got to the Comedy Cellar and EPF had to take a little time to find parking. But it was still a surprise. And Aziz Ansari showed up at the club to do a surprise spot, which was a sweet bonus. He did some riffs on texting and relationships that were... quite well-observed! Oh, we laughed.

The End.



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