Sunday, March 01, 2009

Marching Orders

February was a million years ago. Whips by, doesn't it?

And we're onto the next one...

Stakes are raised for March, brothers and sisters.

I know it makes for a vaguer entry, but I'm far too superstitious to be explicit about my hopes and fears and anxieties about this month.

Allow me to amend that by saying that I am NOT terribly superstitious, but with so much on the line... a body doesn't want to take any chances with the mysterious clockwork of the universe, you feel me?

I've certainly suffered enough. If suffering is part of the payment for success, I think I've paid my share and then some. Especially considering that a lot of people stumble into success without breaking a sweat. What I mean to say is, I don't think I'd ruin the curve by getting some good news this month. I think it would balance things out, really.

What a profoundly lame weekend I've had. I should've been, could've been, partying my ass off to oblivion.

Instead, I've spent a quiet, cost-conscious weekend at home alone. Diligently working on my new script and playing Mortal Kombat Vs. DC.

Quiet before the storm...?

This month—the next few weeks—anything goes...


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