Saturday, July 21, 2007

Scott Nemes Fan Club

Danny Boyle did a little Q&A after the 8:10pm show of his ambitious new movie, SUNSHINE, at the Sunshine Cinema.

(My next script is going to be called "Loews Lincoln Square & IMAX", btw.)

I walked by the Scholastic Store while I was down there and was witness to a massive pagan Harry Potter gathering. People queuing up (in costume) for the midnight release of the final Harry Potter tome. They even had a genuine Knight Bus parked out front:
After the movie and Q&A, I bummed around with J&D for a while before taking a long walk home.

As I walked from SoHo to the Upper West Side past midnight, I watched grown men and women squeal down city streets, hugging their giant hardcover series finales. Fleetingly, I entertained the idea of snatching the book from one of them... just to save me the trouble of having to go to a bookstore Saturday afternoon.

Slight tangent here...

Listen up, all you motherfucking Harry Potter freaks. I am picking up the fucking book this weekend so I can BEGIN to read it, with the dim hope that I can manage to get through it without having the sonuvabitch spoiled for me. A former coworker (DIOGO BASTOS) inadvertently managed to spoil the last one for me while I was in the middle of it.

Fortunately, I no longer work in an office, so all I have to do is avoid all the media stories. All the same, you speed-reading Harry Potter nuts stay the hell away from me with all your spoiler-happy chatter.

Which brings us to Scott Nemes. The Patron Saint of Bratty 80s Kids. This little bastard was everywhere in the 80s. Throwing eggs at D.C. cabs, playing old men who discover that youth is a state of mind, causing general pre-adolescent mayhem. He worked with Steven Spielberg, Joel Schumacher, Garry Shandling, Mr. T, Mr. Belvedere and Riptide. You wanted a bratty/precocious/nerdy kid? You called Scott Motherfuckin Nemes, son.

Kid was EVERYWHERE, and I bet y'all didn't even know his name. What happens to these kids? They either claw toward being recognized as adults (Seth Green), or they remain frozen in time, like Scott Nemes.

At least the kids in the Harry Potter movies are managing to transition into adulthood in the context of those movies.

Maybe Scott Nemes peaked a bit too early...

Maybe, in the end, we never really deserved Scott Nemes.


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