Monday, April 10, 2006

The Upside of Misanthropy

Met my final director yesterday and made my final decision last night. It was a really tough decision because that last director left a very strong impression...

It may go against the nature of Misanthropy Central, but I may have to be more careful with what I write here. Did a little search on my play on GOOGLE and it brought me right here. So there's a chance Misanthropy Central could experience a slight influx of strangers as things heat up. So everyone, put on your pants.

The deadline for taxes approaches and I've got to go about my yearly ritual of chasing after my accountant to get mine done. He's a good guy but he likes to save my shit for the 11th hour. And his secretary tends to lose her marbles around this time of year.

Monday mourning. I'm tired. Meant to mail my rent check this mourn but it slipped my mind. Gotta get that thing in the mail tomorrow. It'd be nice if I didn't have pay it every month, but that's how they getcha. If I'd realized that growing up, I'd've hit the books more and gone to med school. In a parallel universe, Dr. Malice is scrubbing up for heart surgery right now.

In this universe, emerging playwright Malice is updating his stupid blog at work...


Blogger Raed Moustafa said...

There is no such thing as taxation's deadline(s.)

5/15/2024 01:57:00 PM  

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