Thursday, March 24, 2005

no friends life

didn't really have anything to write about today, but is that stopping me? HELL NO.

for those non-nor-easters, it was raining/hailing last night. on the walk home, it felt like a shower of pins against my face. this is yet another reason i should be living in a bubble.

meeting BURNTOUT again tonight (coz i just can't get enough), along with El-Rey-del-Meow. i think we might have a little alcohol.

would like to get a lot of editing done this weekend, and hopefully some writing. social obligations are thin. no marriage counseling tomorrow. saturday night, nicko's taking me to Monty Python's SPAMALOT, because he is a friend. he's not a good friend, but he's a good friend.

(that show's sold out till like JULY or something...)

clock's ticking on taxes. gonna be a close one. need to get the papers together and deliver them. i am so broke(n).

4.5 hours left on my week...



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